Perimeter Security Solutions

Pre-cast Walls, ClearVu Fencing, Electric Fencing, Razor Wire and Wall Spikes

Leocrete Products

We offer precast (vibracrete) walls as well as extending, repairing and plastering of precast walls for that fancy finish (or that fancy look), electric fencingwall spikes and many more varieties of perimeter security products with a highly qualified and experienced team.


View our recommendations here

Clearview Fencing Latest Project

Clearview fencing can be installed at residential homes, golf estates, business parks, business properties, etc. Clearview fencing comes in different apertures, meaning each panel has vertical wires usually 75mm apart vs horizontal wires(varies between 12.7mm, 25mm, 50mm and 100mm) All panels and posts are galvanized and it can be powder- or pvc coated

Client: Build it, Strand Western Cape


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